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Is It Time for a Walker?


I think that my father needs to start using some device to help him get around. Lately, when I am visiting, I notice that he is grabbing onto counters and furniture as he moves about the house. It is though he does not feel safe unless he is holding onto something solid. Since dad’s house is on the small side, there is always something to grab onto. As long as he does not go out, he is fine. 

I do notice that he is quite reluctant to go anywhere these days. I am wondering if it is because he is just not that steady anymore. 

I think that my father would be happier if he had a cane or even a walker. I see plenty of older people using them. I am not sure how to approach the issue with him. What would you recommend? 



When a person is getting around their house by holding onto walls, counters, furniture, or anything stable, they are not going to be confident in larger spaces where they may need to cross a room or a lobby with nothing to hold onto. People do not hold onto furniture for no reason. They do it because they must. 

It is just fine to navigate the home by holding onto stable objects, if that allows him to get around his house safely and no one is moving furniture on him. It is quite limiting though to be confined to just a small house and unable to get out.   

Your father definitely needs a device to serve as a support for him when he leaves his home, or even to get out of chairs. There are walking sticks, canes, all types of walkers, and wheelchairs. They can all be purchased without any professional assistance, though a physical therapist could best fit him for the most appropriate and proportionate device. Often, we see individuals that grab a device that is not really suited to the individual. To get about comfortably, you will need the right device for him. His mobility issue may not be the same as someone else’s. He may have muscle weakness, back pain, joint swelling, nerve issues, or something else. It is best to determine what is causing his mobility issue before selecting the solution. His doctor should be consulted. 

Since your father is having a noticeable issue now, I suggest that you schedule a doctor's visit and follow the recommendation of his physician. You are on the right track noticing that a change is needed.  

You may get resistance to any of these recommendations. If that is the case, you may need to approach the situation from a different angle. Simply providing a walker that is based on his height may be what you are forced to do. I would leave it at his house and suggest that he give it a try some day. Some of us like to try things on our own when we are ready. Giving him that opportunity could be what he needs.   

You know your father and I recommend approaching the situation in the way that is best for him. Obtaining the support he needs is important and a thoughtful response from you will be appreciated. I wish you well as you journey down this path.   

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