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A Long Life


Some people seem to age so much better than others. As I am getting older, I wonder what the best way for me is to be one of those individuals that live a long and also healthy life. 

A part of me thinks it is all genetics and that any effort I put into prolonging a good life is simply a waste of time. After all, there are no guarantees, so why not live it up now while I can enjoy it. In quitter moments, I wonder if all the hard living is just that and I should rethink my approach. I want to be around to see my grandchildren grow up like my parents did, both living into their 90s. 

Basically, I am looking for a formula for a long and healthy life.   


Living a long healthy life, on average, is all about balance and a little bit of luck. 

Achieving that balance in all aspects of living is what increases your chances for a healthy and long life. To do that, begin by looking at how you live your life. These are the aspects of living that I recommend you evaluate and adjust as appropriate: 

  • Getting enough quality sleep is essential for the human body. A good night’s sleep needs to be a priority throughout life. It helps you recharge energy, process ideas and emotions, and clarify thought. 

  • Managing food intake to moderate amounts that are in quantities just enough to satisfy hunger will help to keep the body in weight balance. 

  • Eating fresh, whole basic foods is a good idea. Leaving sugary, salty, fat laden, snacky type items for special occasions is best. 

  • Motion is essential for the body to function optimally. Varied movements that use all muscle groups are needed. Think of how a child uses their body. They run, skip, crawl, climb, push, pull, jump, and so on and they do it every day. Our need for that type of movement does not go away with age, though it requires purposeful incorporation into our daily lives when we have so many other responsibilities. 

  • Drink in moderation only. Once or twice a week, one to two drinks would likely be considered moderate. 

  • Have a primary doctor and see him or her once a year. Obtain the screening recommended and get appropriate immunizations. 

  • Avoid known carcinogens such as smoking. 

  • Continue to push your mind to learn new things and solve difficult problems.   

  • Read for 30 minutes a day. Read novels, philosophy, history, science, and any other topic of interest. Keep it varied and slow your mind to focus on one topic for that period of time. Scouring the internet does not count. 

  • Connect with others regularly. Stay close to family, friends, and neighbors.   

  • Lastly, be in touch with the universe. Walk with the woods, commune with animals, cultivate plants, ponder life, explore the spiritual aspects of being human. Make time each day, week, month for this side of living. 

Most of us can help ourselves to stack the odds of a long life with a purposeful lifestyle that is moderate in most ways. It will lead to contentment and a healthier body which will translate into more years.   

I wish you well on your journey. 

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