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The Top 10 Regrets of People about to Die

Consider these your Top 10 Blessings from the Wise

It's our job to create and carry out wisdom learned from those who have come before us. We hope everyone chooses to live life to the fullest in all years of life, no matter the age.


Recap: The Top 10 Regrets of People about to Die

  1. I never pursued my dreams and aspirations.
  2. I worked too much and never made time for my family.
  3. I should have made more time for my friends.
  4. I should have said ‘I love you’ a lot more.
  5. I should have spoken my mind instead of holding back and resenting things.
  6. I should have been the bigger person and resolved my problems.
  7. I wish I had children.
  8. I should have saved more money for my retirement.
  9. Not having the courage to live truthfully.
  10. Happiness is a Choice, I wish I knew that earlier.


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