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10 FREE Resources to Support Your Mental & Emotional Health During COVID-19

1. Social Distancing Serenity Kit by Melody Ross

“There is a lot going on in the world today. It can be scary and make you feel alone. So, I wanted to create this Serenity kit, just for you. Let’s use this time of social distancing to reinvest in ourselves and our own mental well-being.”-- Melody

2. Yale's Happiness Class

“In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life.”

3. COVID-19 Radical Resilience Program by Patrick Mathieu (begins April 1, 2020)

“How are you doing? How are you coping with the situation caused by the global pandemic?  For most people, these are uncertain and scary times. Which is exactly why I’ve decided to offer a free one-month coaching program based around my concept of Radical Resilience.

It begins April 1, and there is absolutely no charge, so signup now. I discussed this in the latest episode of my podcast, which are now also available on YouTube. I hope to see you in the Program!  Together, we'll get through this. Live like it matters!”-- Patrick

4. Next 90 Day Challenge by Rachel & Dave Hollis

“Our #Next90Challenge is HERE! We’re committing to 14 weeks of living intentionally and with joy despite what’s happening in the world outside of our control. Based on our popular annual Last 90 Days event, this community-wide challenge will bring together people from all over the world. We decided that we can’t control what’s happening in the world, but we can control how we show up in it. So…here we go!”-- Rachel & Dave

5. Unlocking Us Podcast by Brené Brown

I would highly recommend listening to the March 27th podcast: Brené on Comparative Suffering, the 50/50 Myth, and Settling the Ball

“We have collectively hit weary. This is especially true for the brave folks on the front lines of this pandemic and for the people who love and support them. And, it’s also true for all of us. In this episode, I talk about strategies for falling apart, staying connected + kind, and giving ourselves permission to feel hard things.”-- Brené

6. Philip Chard's articles in the Shepherd Express

Phillip Chard is a local psychotherapist and author who writes a weekly column in the Shepard Express. I would highly recommend his last few columns regarding social isolation. You can sign up for his weekly column at his website.

7. 20 Mind & Body Tools to Overcome Anxiety

You can listen to the podcast or read through the article about these 20 invaluable tools to assist with anxiety at any point in life.

8. Haven Place Journaling Prompts for Social Distancing

“Are you making time for journaling these days? All of the current events call for documenting! We understand that lives are busy and time is short, so we created these super simple Screenshot Journaling Prompts. Take just a minute every day, or every few days to document the happenings. Just screenshot whichever prompt you’d like for the day, customize it with your phone and save it! So easy! You won’t regret it.”—Haven Place  *Or you can download or print the free PDF*

And if you’d like to do something creative with your time at home, they offer a free weekly Fill a Page Challenge

9. Ground by Aimee Eoff

“I offer this to you in hopes that it brings some solace, peace, and calm. Learn the simple yet life-changing tool of energetically grounding through teaching videos, guided meditations, journal prompts, and guidance to implement this into your day. This class gives you tools to use in a time where what we are being called to manage is more than we may think we are capable of handling.”-- Aimee

10. Truth Cards by Melody Ross

“I want you to experience the life-changing magic of creating YOUR OWN personal Truth Cards. Like you, I sometimes get overwhelmed and discouraged by the constant messages in our world that seem to say I am not enough. I need reminders of what life is really about, what is important to me and what is true about MY authentic life.”-- Melody

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